Dr. Stefanus Johannes van Vuuren

About Dr. Stefanus Johannes van Vuuren

Dr. S.J. van Vuuren  has 36 years experience in his field. He obtained his PhD and MBA from the University of Pretoria and is currently employed as a Professor at the University of Pretoria. Dr. van Vuuren specializes in the analysis and review of hydraulic and hydrology related engineering problems. The focus areas include: flood calculations, water resources analysis, free surface flow problems, flood lines and hydraulic structures, model studies, development of improvements to valves and cavitation prevention (Patent), network design and optimization, design of pumping systems and surge analysis of pipe systems. Dr van Vuuren

SHORT BIOGRAPHY:  Prof S. J. van Vuuren (University of Pretoria)

Professor S J van Vuuren holds a MBA and Phd (Engineering) from the University of Pretoria. His vast experience was obtained from the Department of Water Affair, Windhoek Municipality, Consulting Engineering Firms, Contractors and International Academic Institutions.

He has worked closely with a number of Research Projects which were funded by the WRC. These include the aspects related to closed conduit flow systems, catchment development on surface discharge, sanitation and hydropower generation. (Quantifying the influence of air on the capacity of large diameter water pipelines and developing provisional guidelines for effective de-aeration – 1177/1/04 and 1177/2/04; Application and conceptual development of genetic algorithms for optimization in the water industry – 1388/1/05; Factors influencing the friction loss in pipelines and the relationship between water quality, operating conditions and performance of liner systems – 1269/01/06; Life Cycle Costing Analysis for Pipeline Design and Supporting Software – TT278/06; Factors influencing the friction loss in pipelines and the relationship between water quality, operating conditions and performance of liner systems – 1269/01/06, Waterborne Sanitation – Operations and Maintenance Guide – TT 482/11, Waterborne Sanitation – Design Guide – TT 481/11, Inverse transients to define deficiencies in pipelines- K5/1721, A High Level Scoping Investigation into the potential of energy saving and production/generation in the supply of water through pressurized conduits – KV238/10; and Determination of the change in hydraulic capacity in pipelines – K5/1820 and Influence of catchment development on peak urban runoff – K5/1752).

Dr. van Vuuren developed software that is internationally used for the sizing and location of air valves and holds a patented on the elimination of cavitation in control valves. He has published numerous papers and has presented them around the world.


Development of a Design Guide and Maintenance Guide for water born sanitation (WRC: TT 481/11 and TT 482/11). 2011

Surge and hydraulic analysis of the crude oil pipeline for the BP Matola Project in Mozambique. The 14 inch (350 mm) diameter steel line transports crude oil at a rate of 166,7 l/s. In collaboration with Kantey & Templer, Durban. July 2007. Conceptual development and physical model study of the energy dissipation structures (Q = 70 m3/s) of Glentana (2007)

Review and modeling of the Sam Nujoma Storm Water System, Namibia (Q = 36 m3/s and L = 600m) (2007)

Review of the surge analysis for the upgrade of a section of the North South Carrier. Conducted on behalf of Bergstan Africa under contract for the Government of Botswana (2006).

Hydrological assessment and hydraulic analysis and numerical modeling of the Cai Bridge across the Zambezi River (Sub consult to WSP) (2006).

Research Grant from WRC: Factors that influence the energy loss in pipelines and procedures to evaluate the performance for different internal conditions. Report accepted for publication 2005 (2003 – 2005).

Surge analysis of the Clarens to Johannesburg Pipeline. Conducted on behalf of Rand Water. Flowrate of 22 m3/s. 2004.

Modeling of the intake structure of the Grootfontein Pump Station to determine solutions for the cavitation of the pumps. Conducted for Sulzer SA who acted on behalf of Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Flowrate per pump is 2,1 m3/s. 2004 – 2005.

Berg River model study: 1/20 scale. Determination of the hydraulic capacity of the outlet tower and optimization of the selector gate positions, sizes and the tower dimensions. Conducted on behalf of BRJV, South Africa for LHTA. 2003 to 2005.

Surge analysis of various of the pipelines of Rand Water, with the objective to evaluate the influence of the electrification of the pumps at the Zwartkopjies Pump Station. (Joint venture with AFRICON Pty Ltd). 2003 to 2005.

Software Developments (last 5 years)

Development of software for flood calculations and surface water drainage – UPD (2006). Visit website: www.sinotech cc.co.za to download

Development of software for the optimisation of water distribution networks utilizing Genetic Algorithms routines. An inter-phase with EPANET was developed. WRC project K5/1388 – (2005)

Development of software for the sizing and location of air valves. Software is used worldwide (DFC and ARI).

Research Highlights and Research Publications (last 5 years)

Development of a liner system for the rehabilitation of steel pipelines in cooperation with Rand Water. .(Research allocation from WRC 2005 to 2008 – Final Report in to be published, 2008)

Review of factors that influence the energy loss in pipelines and procedures to evaluate the hydraulic performance for different internal conditions. (Research allocation from WRC 2001 to 2004 – Final Report obtainable from WRC – Report TT278/06 and Report 1269/1/06)

Influence of air on the capacity of large diameter pipelines. WRC Reports: Volume 1 quantifying the influence of air on the capacity of large diameter Water Pipelines (Report 1177/1/04)
Volume 2 – Provisional Guidelines for the effective de-aeration of large diameter Water Pipelines (Report 1177/2/04)

Application of Genetic Algorithms in the water field. WRC Project K5/1144

Physical Modeling (last 10 years)

Resolving the failure of the Paris Dam inlet works: Vortex formation and pressure fluctuations in the inlet pipes – Model Study (2001)

Model study on behalf of SULZER SA for the Sheikh Zayed Pump Station in Egipt, (Flow per pump = 8,5 m3/s – 7 pumps). Scale 1:10. 2002

Model study on behalf of SULZER SA for the Ashkelon Seawater Pump station, Israel. (Flow per pump = 2,4 m3/s, five pumps modelled). Scale 1:8. 2003

Model study on behalf of SULZER SA for the Grootfontein Pumpstation in South Africa, (Flow per pump = 2,1 m3/s – four pumps). Scale – 1:6,5. 2003

Model study on behalf of Berg River Consultants.Berg River Project – Water supply to Cape Town, South Africa. Outlet works.
(Flow rate = 220 m3/s) Scale – 1:18,966. 2003/2004