GoFlow is used to design and analyze sprinkler systems. It includes tools to create automatic layouts, as well as over 200 backflow preventers and pipe schedules from 3 different hazard classifications. It can output supply plots, hydraulic summaries, required capacity, remote area analyses, and can model Early Suppression, Fast Response (ESFR) sprinklers.
GoFlow users can import to (and export from) EPANET, AutoCad, GIS Shapefiles, Google Earth files, and Microsoft Excel files. Also, GoFlow supports several devices including pumps, regulators, reservoirs, tanks and multiple types of valves, as well as backflow preventers and sprinklers. Click this link to see more, including a description of the supported devices and a list of model features: GoFlow Overview.
Click here for our model comparisons and limitations page.

The following are links to features used when creating GoFlow models. These tools enhance the basic steady-state analysis offered by the GoFlow software.
The following are links to additional tools used to display both map backgrounds and analytical results.
- Contouring and Emphasis.
- Display CAD, GIS, and Graphical Images As Backgrounds.
- Printing, Creating Image Files and PDFs.
GoFlow is available within a Standard or Premium Package. The Premium Package allows for import/export to-and-from the Google Earth and AutoCad modeling environments. See the link below for a full list of features by package type.