Expanded Rural Analysis

Rural Water Analysis allows for the analysis of the demand fluctuations encountered in rural (sparsely populated) or branched hydraulic systems. This is achieved by the use of Instantaneous Peak Demands (IPDs) in the form of a Peak Demand Distribution (PDD) curve. The user specifies the number of connections per line and the calculation engine determines the system flows which satisfy the PDD curve. This is a much more accurate approach than conventional peak demand analysis, which involves simply specifying a static demand per connection; this can result in systems that are under-designed and thus operate at unacceptably low pressures.

Two options exist for handling loops. One pipe in each loop may be excluded from the calculation to “break” the loop. In this way, all pipes in the model are subject to the peak demand requirements. Alternatively, all the loops in the model can be analyzed using a modified hydraulic analysis and all looped lines subjected to the peak demand requirements. No additional information is required beyond the number of residential connections for each pipe and data for the PDD curve.

Overview Video


Rural Analysis with Instantaneous Peak Demands (IPD)