~Lane P. Lucas, PE
Eutaw, Inc.
~Anton Badenhorst
I.T. Services Manager
In particular Bill, I know that you were “at the center of the hurricane” as you worked to assist me this year. You exhibited a deep understanding of both water systems and hydraulic modeling, which makes your counsel both credible and useful. I hope you’ll accept my thanks for the time you spent on this project.
~Michael Nepple, PE
Coldwater Project Services, PLLC
~Elliot Drucker
The Process Group, LLC
~John Grim P.E.
John Grim & Associates
~Robert W. Jacobson
Jacobs Consultancy Nederland B.V.
~Matt Keller
Amgen Utilities
~Giora Heimann
DOROT Valves
~Wondwosen Gebeyehu
Waterschap Rivierenland
The Netherlands
~Tim Peer, P.E.
Cornell University
~Alex L. Baker, EIT
Consolidated Technologies, Inc.
~Steve Kvech
George, Miles and Buhr, LLC
~Carlos Menezes
M&M Engenharia Arquitetura e Paisagismo S/C Ltda
~Craig L. Patterson, P.E.
ZBA, Inc.
~Brian Stephens
Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper
~Yao B. Ababio, PhD, MBA
Aker Kvaerner USA, Inc.
~Rao S. Govindaraju
School of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
~Scott Thomson, P.E.
~Mariusz D. Jedrychowski
Maguire Group, Inc.
~Karen Sullivan
Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc.
~William T. Lowery II
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
~Kris Allegood, E.I.T.
Pond & Company
~Loy Claunch
Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc.
~Ian Johnson
City Water & Waste Unit
Christchurch City Council
New Zealand
~Walter Dodson
Omnova Solutions, Inc.
~Han Chien Yen
Bechtel Corporation and BSF China Limited
~Kevin E. Murray, P.E.
Tri Tek Engineering, Inc.
~Matthew Reed
URS New Zealand
~M. M. Azim, P.E.
City of Lawton, OK
Tennessee Tech University
University of Memphis
Western Kentucky University
Vanderbilt University
Nashville Thermal Transfer Corporation
Samford University
Middle Tennessee University
East Tennessee State University
All of these are large distribution systems serving a central plant with multiple buildings connected. The model has been used to study constant flow systems and variable flow systems with pumping arrangements including primary/secondary and distributed pumping. Pipe2000 has been flexible enough to allow me to model pumps in a number of different ways. Technical support has always been excellent. The latest versions of the program have such improved graphics for easy data input that I can model an entire system in a very short time.
~Burkley M. Allen, P.E.
I.C. Thomasson Assoc, Inc.
~Andy Linseisen
Cook-Steinman & Associates, Inc.
~Greg Mosure
BBS Corporation
~Stephen W. Haines, PE (PA, NJ), CFEI President
Haines Fire & Risk Consulting
~John G. O’Neill, PE, FSFPE
The Protection Engineering Group, Inc.
~Justin Bouknight
I was very pleased with the good correlation that was achieved between the measured and modeled data under steady state and dynamic conditions. It is definitely a compliment to the accuracy of the modeling software and gives us good confidence for future applications.
~Kobus Prinsloo
Pipeline Condition Assessment & Leak Detection Specialists
~Srini Sundaramoorthy, P.E.
Tetra Tech FHC
I plan to send you a comprehensive report on one of the student’s projects in a few week’s time. I think that you will be impressed with what he’s been doing with KYPipe.
Thank you again for your superb support. THAT is the main reason that we decided to purchase KYPipe.
~Leon Liebenberg North-West University
CRCED Pretoria, South Africa
We use SURGE to help our clients select adequate surge protection devices (air valves, surge vessels, surge anticipation control valves, active check valves) and PIPE -not so frequently- to verify some designs. We also sell the program locally, we include it in our products presentations and for specific clients we give a SURGE talk that involves the program itself and the surge protection products.
You will not find better programs in the market, both PIPE and SURGE are leaders worldwide (the top hydraulic consultant company in Argentina works with SURGE). Their technical assistance is excellent and they have a lot of experience in water projects.
~Ing. Luis A. Conti Gerente de Ingeniería
TECNOFLOW ® División Agua y Saneamiento de