Dr. Don J. Wood’s Publications

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Other Publications Copyrighted Manuals & Reports Presentations Additional Presentation Papers Listed Under Proceeding Discussion of Papers Awards
Downloadable Publications
Award Winning Lecture “Waterhammer Analysis-Essential, Easy and Efficient” J. Environ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2005)131:8(1123), 1123-1131. Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Lecture. Download .pdf Version.
Bong Seog Jung, Paul F. Boulos, Don J. Wood, and Christopher M. Bros “A Lagrangian Wave Characteristic Method for Simulating Transient Water Column Separation” Journal AWWA, June 2009, Vol. 101 No 6 pp. 64 73
Bong Seog Jung, Paul F. Boulos, and Don J. Wood “Effect of Pressure-Sentsitive Demand on Surge Analysis” Journal AWWA, Apr 2009, Vol. 101 No.4 pp. 100 111
“Using the WCM for Transient Modeling of Water Distribution Networks” Summary #75 Journal AWWA, Feb 2009, pp. 16
Dhandayudhapani Ramalingam, Srinivasa Lingireddy, and Don J. Wood “Using the WCM for Transient Modeling of Water Distribution Networks” Journal AWWA Feb 2009 Vol. 101 No. 2 pp. 75 89
Bong Seog Jung, Paul F. Boulos, Don J. Wood, and Christopher M. Bros “Pitfalls of Water Distribution Model Skeletonization for Surge Analysis” Journal AWWA, December 2007, Vol. 99 No 12 pp. 87 98
Award Winning Article Bong Seog Jung, Bryan W. Karney, Paul F. Boulos and Don J. Wood “The Need for Comprehensive Transient Analysis of Distribution Systems” Journal AWWA, Jan 2007, Vol. 99 No.1 pp. 112 123
Don J. Wood, Srinivasa Lingireddy, Paul F. Boulos, Bryan W. Karney, and David McPherson “Numerical Methods for Modeling Transient Flow in Distribution Systems”  Journal AWWA, July 2005, Vol. 97, No 7, pp. 104 115
Paul F. Boulos, Bryan W.Karney, Don J. Wood and Srinivasa Lingireddy “Hydraulic Transient Guidelines for Protecting Water Distribution Systems”Journal AWWA, May 2005, Vol. 97 No 5 pp. 111 124
Srinivasa Lingireddy, Don J. Wood and Naftali Zloczower “Pressure Surges in Pipeline System Resulting from Air Releases” Journal AWWA, July 2004 Vol. 96, No. 7,  pp. 88 94
Don J. Wood and L. Ormsbee, “Supply Identification for Water Distribution Systems“, Journal AWWA, July 1989, pp. 74 80.
Don J. Wood and R. Dorsch, “The Effect of Propellant Feed System Coupling and Feed Systems Parameters on the Analysis of Chugging,” NASA, TN D-3896, May 1967, pp. 1 24
KYPipe Reference Manual | Reference Manual Figures | KYPipe Reference Manual Appendices | Appendix Figures
Transient Analysis Book and Links
Surge Analysis and the Wave Plan Method: A Powerful, Accurate and Stable Method for Conducting Water Hammer Studies. By Srinivasa Lingireddy and Don J. Wood, 2021.
Pressure Wave Analysis of Transient Flow in Pipe Distribution Systems by Don J. Wood, Srinivasa Lingireddy, Paul F. Boulos, 2005.
Fluid Transients in Pipeline Systems-2nd Edition. 2004.
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
Don J. Wood and T.E. Steison, “Energy Analysis of Pressure Surges in Closed Conduits.” Development in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 1. Pergamon Press, 1963 pp. 371 388
Dr. Don J. Wood, R. Dorsch and C. Lightner, “Digital Distribution Model for the Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Liquid Filled Lines.” NASA TN D 2812, May 1965, 47 pages
Don J. Wood, R Dorsch and C. Lightner, “Wave Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Conduits.” Journal of Hydraulics Division ASCE, March 1966, Vol 92. No HY2. pp 83, 220
Don J. Wood and C. Lightner, “Distributed Parameter Analysis of Pressure and Flow Perturbations in Rocket Propellant Feed System.” NASA TN D 3529, August, 1966, 53 pages.
Don J. Wood, and T.Y. Kao, “Generation and Propagation of Pressure Waves in Two Phase Flow,” Development in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, 1967, pp. 713 724.
G. Lanzara and Don J. Wood, “An Automatically Stabilizing Air Cushion Vehicle,” Journal of High Speed Ground Vehicles, September 1967, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 263 275.
Don J. Wood, “Calculation of Waterhammer Pressure Due to Valve Closure.” Journal of the American Water Works Institution, November 1968, Vol. 60, No. 11, pp. 1301 1307.
C.E. Burkhead and Don J. Wood, “Analog Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems,” Journal of Sanitary Engineering, ASCE, June 1969, pp. 590 606.
Don J. Wood, “The Influence of Line Motion of Waterhammer Pressures.” Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, May 1969, Vol. 95, No. HY3, pp. 941 961.
Don J. Wood, “A Study of the Response of Coupled Liquid Flow Structural Systems Subjected to Periodic Disturbances,” Journal of Basic Engineering ASME, Vol. 90, Series D, No. 4, December 1968, pp. 532 541.
Don J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “A Boundary Layer Theory for Transient Viscous Losses in Turbulent Flow,” Journal of Basic Engineering, ASME, Paper No. 70, E 8, 1970, pp. 865 873.
Don J. Wood, “Pressure Surge Attenuation Utilizing an Air Chamber,” Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 96, No. HY5, May 1970, pp. 1143 1156.
Don J. Wood, “Analog Analysis of Water Distribution Systems,” Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. TE2, May 1971, pp. 281 290.
Don J. Wood and S.P. Chao, “The Effect of Bends and Junctions on Water Hammer Surges,” Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 97, Note 3, Aug. 1971, pp. 441 457.
S.E. Jones and D.J. Wood, “The Effect of Axial Boundary Motion on Pressure Surge Generation,” ASME, Paper No. 71 WA/FE 14, Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 94, Series D., No. 2, June 1972, pp. 441 446.
J.E. Funk, D.J. Wood and S.P. Chao, “The Transient Response of Orifices and Very Short Lines,” ASME Paper No. 71 WA/FE 14, Journal of Basic Engineering, June 1972, Vol. 94, Series D., No. 2, pp. 483 491.
Don J. Wood and C.O. Charles, “Hydraulic Network Analysis Using Linear Theory,” Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 98, No. HY7, July 1972, pp. 1157 1170.
Don J. Wood and S.E. Jones, “Waterhammer Charts for Various Types of Valves,” Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 99, No. HY1, Jan. 1973, pp. 167 178.
T.Y. Kao and D.J. Wood, “Incipient Motion of Solids in a Solid Liquid Transport System,” Transactions, AIME, Vol. 235, March 1974, pp. 39 44.
C.E. Burkhead and D.J. Wood, “Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems Using the Analog Computer,” Transactions, COED, Vol. V, No. 3, March 1973.
J.E. Funk and Don J. Wood, “Frequency Response of Fluid Lines with Turbulent Flow,” ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Paper No. 74 Feb. 7, 1974.
Don J. Wood and H.J. Sterling, “Solids Separation Due to Differential Inertia”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. EE4, Aug. 1978, pp. 647 658.
Don J. Wood, “Slurry Flow in Pipe Networks”, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. HY1, Jan. 1980, pp. 57 70.
Don J. Wood and A.G. Rayes, “Reliability of Algorithms for Pipe Network Analysis”, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. HY10, Oct. 1981, pp. 1145 1161.
A. Huang, Don J. Wood, and T.Y. Kao, “Capsule Hoist Systems for Vertical Transport of Coal and Other Mineral Solids”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 59, June 1981, pp. 317 324.
L. Ormsbee and Don J. Wood, “Explicit Pipe Network Calibration”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 112, No. 2, ASCE, April 1986, pp. 166 192.
L. Ormsbee and Don J. Wood, “Hydraulic Design Algorithms for Pipe Networks”, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Vol. 113, No. 6, ASCE, December 1986.
Don J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “Microcomputer Analysis of Steam Distribution Networks”, Plant Engineering, March 1987, pp. 143 147.
Book Chapters
Wood, D.J. and Lingireddy, S.,“Using Variable Speed Pumps to Reduce Leakage and Improve Performance.” Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems Eds. E. Cabrera and A.F. Vela. Water Science and Technology Library series, Volume 14, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 1994, p415.
Invited Journal Articles
Wood, D.J, Lingireddy, S., and Ormsbee, L.E. Computer Models Help Small Water Utilities, On Tap – Drinking Water News for Americas Small Communities, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1998.
Wood, D.J. and Lingireddy, S. Tools for Small Systems – System Modeling. Rural Water, Vol.18, No.3
D.J. Wood, S. Lingireddy, and L.E. Ormsbee, “Computer Models Help Small Water Utilities,” On Tap – Drinking Water News for America’s Small Communities, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1998.
D.J. Wood, and S. Lingireddy, “Tools for Small Systems – System Modeling,” Rural Water, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1997.
Proceedings & Other Technical Papers
Wood, D.J., and Lingireddy, S. Use of WRIS Data in PIPE2000 Modeling Software, Kentucky GIS Conference, New Port, KY, July 2002.
Wood, D.J., and Lingireddy, S., “Water Distribution Modeling using water resources information system products,” Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium, Feb. 20, 2002, Lexington, KY.
Lingireddy, S., Wood, D.J. and Funk, J.E., Incorporating Flow Dependent Loss Coefficients into Pipe Network Models, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Computer Applications in Water Supply and Distribution 1993, Leicester, England, Sept.7-9, 1993.
Funk, J.E., Wood, D.J., Lingireddy, S. and D.C. Denger, Pressure Surges due to Rapid Expulsion of Air, International Conference on Unsteady Flow and Fluid Transients, Sept Oct 1992, Durham, England.
Wood, D.J., Lingireddy, S. and Ormsbee, L.E., Explicit Calculation of Pipe Network Parameters for Time varying conditions, Proceedings of the 1992 Computer Conference, American Water Works Association, April 12 15, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
D. J. Wood, Ormsbee, L.E., and Lingireddy, S. “Developing and using a Graphical Computer Model,” Presented at the 1997 Rural Water Training Seminar organized by the Kentucky Rural Water Association, Jamestown, KY, Feb. 1997. (Invited)
Wood, D.J., L. Ormsbee, and Lingireddy, S. Computer Models for Small Water Systems, Management & Technical Conference, National Rural Water Association, Indianapolis, Setp 28-Oct. 1, 1997. (Invited)
Friedman, M., L. Radder, S. Harrison, D. Howie, M. Britton, G. Boyd, H. Wang, R. Gullick, M. LeChevallier, D. Wood and J. Funk. 2004 (in publication). Verification and Control of Pressure Transients and Intrusion in Distribution Systems. AWWA Research Foundation, Denver, CO.
Funk, J.E., S.J. VanVuuren, D.J. Wood, M. LeChevallier, and M. Friedman. 1999. Pathogen Intrusion into Water Distribution Systems Due to Transients. Proceedings of the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 18-22, San Francisco, CA.
Funk, J.E., DJ. Wood, L.S. Lingireddy, and D.C. Denger. 1992. Pressure Surges Due to Rapid Expulsion of Air. In: Bettess & Watts (eds.), Unsteady Flow and Fluid Transients, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Holland.
Gullick, R.W; LeChevallier, M.W.; Svindland, R.C.; Friedman, M.; Wood, D.J.; & Funk, J.E. 2003. Field Verification of Transient Low and Negative Pressures in Potable Water Distribution Systems. American Water, Voorhees, NJ.
Don J. Wood and T.Y. Kao, “The Influence of Structural Motion on the Dynamic Response of Periodic Liquid Flow Systems,” Conference Proceedings, AIAA ASME 8th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, March 1967, pp. 391 399.
Don J. Wood and K.K. Lee, “The Effect of Structural Motion on the Dynamic Response of Liquid Flow Systems,” Proceedings of the Fifth U.S. Congress of Applied Mechanics, (1966) (Abstract), pp. 843.
Don J. Wood and T.Y. Kao, “Pressure Wave Generation and Propagation in Solid Liquid Suspensions” Proceedings of the Fifth U.S. Congress and of Applied Mechanics, (1966) (Abstract), pp. 843.
Don J. Wood, “Hydraulic Transient Analysis Employing Analog Techniques,” Proceedings, 3rd Annual Workshop, American Association of Professors of Sanitary Engineering, 1968, pp. 78 95.
S.E. Jones and D.J. Wood, “Prediction and Control of Pressure Surges Due to Valve Closure,” Proceedings, International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHRA, England, 1973.
Don J. Wood, “A Procedure and Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Water Distribution Systems,” Proceedings,Twenty Fourth Annual Sanitary Engineering Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 1974.
S.E. Jones and D.J. Wood, “Pressure Surge Generation Due to Flow Shutdown,” Proceedings, Society of Engineering Science, Oct. 1975.
Don J. Wood, “Simplified Modeling and Analysis of Fluid Transient Problems,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 111, 1977, pp. 1259 1268.
Don J. Wood, “The Analysis of Steady Flow in Pipe Networks,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Vol. III, 1977, pp. 1269 1280.
T.Y. Kao and Don J. Wood, “Pressure Surge Generation Due to Rapid Shutdown of Pipelines Conveying Slurries,” Proceedings,Hydrotransport V, BHRA Fluids Engineering, El, pp. 1 14, 1978.
Don J. Wood and A. Rayes, “Reliability and Efficiency of Computer Solutions of Water Distribution Systems,” (Abstract), Proceedings Water Systems 79, ASCE, 1979, pp. 48.
Don J. Wood, “A Comparison of Power Requirements and Performance of Underground Coal Transport Systems,” Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Slurry Transportation, 1979, pp. 206 220.
Don J. Wood, “Pressure Gradient Requirements for Re establishment of Slurry Flow,” Proceedings, Hydrotransport Vi, BHRA Fluids Engineering, pp. 217 228, 1979.
Don J. Wood, “The Analysis of Flow in Surcharged Storm Sewer Systems,” Proceedings, International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, July 1980, Lexington, KY, pp. 29 35.
Greg C. Heitzman and Don J. Wood, “Dynamic and Steady Flow Modeling of a Surcharged Storm Sewer Systems,” Proceedings,International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, July 1982, Lexington, KY.
Don J. Wood, “Waterhammer Analysis in Pipe Systems,” Proceedings, International Institute on Hydraulic Transients, July 1982, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
A.R.D. Thorley and Don J. Wood, “Analysis of Surcharged Storm Sewer Systems,” Proceedings, International Conference on Planning, Construction, Maintenance and Operation, BHRA, Reading, England, September 1984.
L. Ormsbee and Don J. Wood, “Water Distribution Systems Analysis and Graphics Using Microcomputers,” Proceedings Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age, Vol. 2, Aug. 1985, pp. 932 937.
J. Funk and Don J. Wood, “Use of a Small Computer to Calculate Flow and Pressure Distribution in Complex Piping Networks: Theory and Practical Applications,” Proceedings International Conference on Education Practice and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers, Macao, Aug. 1985.
Don J. Wood and James E. Funk, “Application of a General Microcomputer Gas Network Analysis Model to Mine Ventilation Networks,” Proceedings, International Symposium on Underground Mining Methods and Technology, Nottingham, England, Sept. 1986.
Don J. Wood and A.R.D. Thorley, “Microcomputer Modeling of Flow Conditions in Pipe Distribution Systems,” Proceedings, Hydrosoft, International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software, Southampton, England, Sept. 1986.
Don J. Wood and Lindell Ormsbee, “Use of Microcomputer Graphics to Enhance Network Modeling,” (invited), Proceedings AWWA Annual Conference, June 1986.
Don J. Wood and A.R.D. Thorley, “Application of Microcomputers to the Design and Optimization of Water Supply and Distribution Systems in Developing Countries,” Proceedings International Conference on Computer Application for Water Supply and Distribution 1987, Leicester, England, Sept. 1987.
A.R.D. Thorley and Don Wood, “Fault Analysis and Fluid Transients Suppression in Pipelines and Networks,” Proceedings International Conference on Computer Application for Water Supply and Distribution 1987, Leicester, England, Sept. 1987.
A.R.D. Thorley and Don J. Wood, “SIMNET Microcomputer Modeling of Irrigation, Water Supply and Water Distribution Systems,” Proceedings, 1st International Conference in Africa on Computer Methods and Water Resources, Rabat, Morocco, March 1988.
A.R.D. Thorley and Don J. Wood, “Fluid Transients, Fault Conditions and Hazard Assessments of Pipelines and Networks,” Proceedings, 1st International Conference in Africa on Computer Methods and Water Resources, Rabat, Morocco, March 1988.
Don J. Wood and James E. Funk, “Microcomputer Analysis of Transient Flow in Pipe Networks,” Proceedings, International Symposium on Computer Modeling of Water Distribution Systems, Lexington, KY, May 1988.
S.E. Jones and Don J. Wood, “An Exact Solution of the Waterhammer Problem in a Single Pipeline with Simulated Line Friction,” ASME Conference Paper, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 1988.
D.J. Wood, J.E. Funk and P.F. Boulos, “Pipe Network Transients Distributed and Lumped Parameter Modeling,” Chapter 10, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Cambridge, England, Oct. 1989, pp. 131 142.
P.F. Boulos, D.J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “A Comparison of Numerical and Exact Solutions for Pressure Surge Analysis,” Chapter 12, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Cambridge, England, Oct. 1989, pp. 149 159.
P.F. Boulos and D.J. Wood, “Explicit Determination of Network Parameters for Improving Water Distribution System Performance,” Proceedings, 2nd International Conference, Computer Methods and Water Resources, 1991.
J.E. Funk, D.J. Wood and P.F. Boulos, “Transient Flow Computer Model Verification: Case Studies,” Proceedings, 2nd International Conference, Computer Methods and Water Resources, 1991.
P.F. Boulos and D.J. Wood, “KYPIPE: A Comprehensive Distribution Network Analyzer,” 3rd Kentucky Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky, March 1991.
D.J. Wood, D.V. Chase, J.E., Funk, “Pressure Surges in Pumped Sanitary Sewer Systems”, Proceedings International Conference on Unsteady Flow and Fluids Transients, Durham England, Oct. 1992, pp. 259 268.
J.E. Funk, D.J. Wood, L.S. Lingireddy, D.C. Denger, “Pressure Surges Due to Rapid Expulsion of Air”, Proceedings International Conference on Unsteady Flow and Fluid Transients, Durham England, oct. 1992, pp. 313 320.
D.J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Systems”, Proceedings International Conference on Water Supply Systems State of the Art and Future Trends, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 1992, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1993, pp. 43 85.
D.J. Wood, L.S. Lingireddy, and J.E. Funk, “Incorporating Flow Dependent Loss Coefficients into Pipe Network Models”, Proceedings International Conference Computer Applications for Water Supply and Distribution, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK, Sept. 1993.
D.J. Wood, J.E. Funk, and D. Thorley, “The Enhancement of Pressure Surge Models Through the Use of Graphics”, Proceedings International Conference Computer Applications for Water Supply and Distribution, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK, Sept. 1993.
D.J. Wood, L.S. Lingireddy, and L.E. Ormsbee, “Explicit Calculation of Pipe Network Parameters for Time Varying Conditions”, Proceedings of the 1992 Computer Conference, AWWA, April 12 15, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee.
Other Publications
Don J. Wood and T.Y. Kao, “Evaluation of the Quasi Steady Approximation for Viscous Effects in Unsteady Liquid Pipe Flow,” ASME Paper (No. 68 FE 33), 1967, 7 pages.
Don J. Wood, “Lumped and Distributed Parameter Analog Analysis of Transient Liquid Pipe Flow,” Applications, Analog/HybridComputer Educational Users Group, Vol. 4, No. E, June 1969.
Don J. Wood, “Environmental Missile Launch Systems,” Civil Engineering, November, 1964, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 56 69.
Don J. Wood, “Explicit Friction Factor Relationship,” Civil Engineering, December 1966.
Don J. Wood, “Computer Aided Analysis of Piping Systems,” Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 19, Sept. 1977.
T.Y. Kao, Don J. Wood and J. Laboon, “Sediment Resuspension in Slurry Pipelines,” Report No. IMMR 36 RRR3 78, IMMR, University of Kentucky, April 1978, 55 pages.
Don J. Wood, “Slurry Transportation in Pipe Networks,” Report No. IMMR 48 RRR7 79, IMMR, University of Kentucky, March 1979.
Don J. Wood, “Algorithms for Pipe Network Analysis and Their Reliability,” Research Report No. 127, University of Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, 1981, 96 pages.
Don J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “Software and a Procedure for the Computer Analysis of Steam Distribution Systems,”, Plant Engineering, Dec. 1985.
Don J. Wood and G.C. Heitzman, “Hydraulic Analysis of Surcharged Storm Sewer Systems,” Research Report No. 137, University of Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, March 1983, 142 pages.
Copyrighted Manuals & Reports
Don J. Wood, “A Computer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Pipe Distribution Systems,” Copyright, Office of Continuing Education, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1974. (also revised 1977)
Don J. Wood, “A Basic Computer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Pipe Distribution Systems, Copyright, Office of Continuing Education, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1976.
Don J. Wood, “Computer Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks Including Extended Period Simulations,” Copyright, Office of Continuing Education, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1980, 228 pages.
Don J. Wood, “Computer Analysis of Transient Flow in Pipe Networks Including Surge Control Devices,” Copyright, Office of Continuing Education, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1982, 150 pages.
Don J. Wood, “FIRENET, A Microcomputer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems,” Copyright, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1984, 65 pages.
Don J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “STEAMNET, A Microcomputer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Steam Distribution Networks,” Copyright, Office of Continuing Education, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1984, 78 pages.
Don J. Wood and J.E. Funk, “GASNET, A Microcomputer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Steam Distribution Networks,” Copyright, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1984, 99 pages.
P.F. Boulos and D.J. Wood, “Explicit Determination of System Parameters for Upgrading and Enhancing Water Distribution Systems,” Project ECE 861205, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky (1989).
D.J. Wood, J.E. Funk, P.F. Boulos and W.C. Gilbert, “Users Manual: PIPEFLOW SRL, PKL Cooling Water Computer Model,” Flownet Lexington, KY), Westinghouse Savannah River Company (Aiken, SC), and United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.(Philadelphia, PA) (1990).
D.J. Wood, J.E. Funk, P.F. Boulos and W.C. Gilbert, “Programmers Manual: PIPEFLOW SRL, PKL Cooling Water Computer Model,” Flownet (Lexington, KY), Westinghouse Savannah River Company (Aiken, SC), and United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.(Philadelphia, PA) (1990).
D.J. Wood, J.E. Funk, P.F. Boulos and W.C. Gilbert, “Software Design Manual: PIPEFLOW SRL, PKL Cooling Water Computer Model,” Flownet (Lexington, KY), Westinghouse Savannah River Company (Aiken, SC), and United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.(Philadelphia, PA) (1990).
P.F. Boulos and D.J. Wood, “KYPIPE Users Manual: A Comprehensive Pipe Distribution Network Analyzer,” Civil Engineering Software Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, (1990).
“Energy Analysis of Pressure Surges in Closed Conduits,” (With T.E. Stelson), presented at the First Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 1962.
“Generation and Propagation of Pressure Waves in Two Phase Flow,” (With T.Y. Kao), presented at the Third Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Columbia, S.C., April 1966.
“Engineering Analysis New Horizons with Electronic Computers,” (With F. Barton), presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Meeting, Richmond, Virginia, April 1965.
“The Effect of Structural Motion on the Dynamic Response of Liquid Flow System,” (With K.K. Lee), presented at the National Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 14 17, 1966.
“Pressure Wave Generation and Propagation in Solid Liquid Suspensions,” (with T.Y. Kao), presented at the National Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 14 17, 1966.
“Dynamic Response of Coupled Fluid Flow Structural System,” Presented to the Society of Engineering Science, Fourth Technical Meeting, Raleigh, N.C., November, 1966.
“Unsteady Flow of Solid Liquid Suspensions,” (With T.Y. Kao), presented at Environmental Engineering Conference, Dallas, Texas, February 1967.
“The Influence of Structural Motion on the Dynamic Response of Periodic Liquid Flow Systems,” (With T.Y. Kao), Conference presented at the AIAA ASME 8th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, March 1967.
“Transient Flow of Solid Liquid Mixtures,” (With T.Y. Kao), presented at the International Symposium on Solid Liquid Pipe Flow, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 1968.
“Evaluation of Quasi Steady Approximation for Viscous Effects in Unsteady Liquid Pipe Flow,” (With T.Y. Kao), presented to the Fluids Engineering Meeting, ASME, Philadelphia, May 1967.
“Hydraulic Transient Analysis Employing Analog Techniques,” presented to the 3rd Annual Workshop, AAPSE, Nashville, Tennessee, June 1968.
“Process Optimization Using the Analog Computer,” (With C.E. Burkhead), Second National Symposium on Sanitary Engineering Research, Development, and Design, Ithaca, New York, July 1969.
“A Boundary Layer Theory for Transient Viscous Losses in Turbulent Flow,” (With J.E. Funk), presented at the ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Detroit, Michigan, May 1970.
“A Procedure and Computer Program for the Analysis of Pressure and Flow in Pipe Systems,” presented at the Twenty Fourth Annual University of Kansas Sanitary Engineering Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 1974.
“Frequency Response of Fluid Lines with Turbulent Flow,” presented at the Fluids Engineering Conference, ASME, Montreal, May 1974.
“Computer Analysis of Water Distribution Systems,” presented at the Missouri Section, AWWA Meeting, Lake of the Ozarks, MO, April 1975.
“Simplified Modeling and Analysis of Fluid Transient Problems,” presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, St. Louis, Missouri, Aug. 1977.
“The Analysis of Steady Flow in Pipe Networks,” St. Louis, Missouri, Aug. 1977, presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling.
“Reliability and Efficiency of Computer Solutions of Water Distribution Systems,” presented at the Water Systems 79 Meeting ASCE, Houston, Texas, Feb. 1979.
“A Comparison of Power Requirements and Performance of Underground Coal Transport Systems,” presented at the Fourth International Conference on Slurry Transportation, Las Vegas, March 1979.
“Pressure Gradient Requirements for Re Establishment of Slurry Flow,” presented at Hydrotransport Vi, BHRA, Sept. 1979, Canterbury, England.
“The Analysis of Flow in Surcharged Storm Sewer Systems,” presented at the International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Lexington, KY, 1980.
“Reliability of Algorithms for the Analysis of Water Distribution Systems,” presented at the International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Lexington, Kentucky, July 1981.
“Waterhammer Analysis in Pipe Systems,” presented at the International Institute on Hydraulic Transients, July 1982, Sao Paulo, Brazil (invited and paid NSF sponsorship).
“Water Distribution Systems Analysis and Graphics Using Microcomputers,” (With L. Ormsbee), Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age, Aug. 1985.
“Use of a Small Computer to Calculate Flow and Pressure Distribution in Complex Piping Networks: Theory and Practical Applications,” (With J.E. Funk), International Conference on Education Practice and Promotion of Computation Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers, Macao, Aug. 1985.
“Application of a General Microcomputer Gas Network Analysis Model to Mine Venilation Networks,” (With J.E. Funk), International Symposium on Underground Mining Methods and Technology, Nottingham, England, Sept. 1986.
“Microcomputers Modeling of Flow Conditions in Pipe Distribution Systems,” (With A.R.D. Thorley), HYDROSOFT, International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software, Southampton, England, Sept. 1986.
“Use of Microcomputer Graphics to Enhance Network Modeling,” (With L. Ormsbee), AWWA Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 1986.
“Using Variable Speed Pumps to Reduce Leakage and Improve Performance,” (With S. Lingireddy), paper presented at a short course on Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems, Universidad Politechnica, Valancia, Spain, November 21 – 25, 1994.
“Developing and Using a Graphical Computer Model,” (With S. Lingireddy and L.E. Ormsbee), presented at the 1997 Rural Water Training Seminar organized by the Kentucky Rural Water Association, Jamestown, KY, February 1997.
“Graphical Models for Rural Water Distribution Systems,” (With S. Lingireddy), presented at a Consulting Engineers Workshop organized by the Illinois Rural Development, Champaign, IL, March 1997.
“Computer Models for Small Water Systems,” (With S. Lingireddy and L.E. Ormsbee), Management, & Technical Conference,National Rural Water Association, Indianapolis, IN, September 28 – October 1, 1997.
Additional Presentation Papers Listed Under Proceeding
Short Course Presentations 8 10 Short Courses dealing with Pipe Network Analysis and related computer software are presented to engineers each year.
Discussion of Papers
“Velocity of Waterhammer Wave in an Elastic Pipe,” A.R. Halliwell, Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Jan. 1964, Vol. 90, No. HYD1, pp. 316 317.
“Waterhammer Resulting from Cavitating Pumps,” M.R. Carstens and T.W. Hagler, Journal of Hydraulics Division, ASCE, May 1965, Vol. 91, No. HY3, pp. 393 397.
“Wave Plan Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Closed Conduits,” (Closure) Journal of the Hydraulics Division, September 1967, Vol. 93, HYD5, pp. 290 293.
“Hydraulic Network Analysis Using Linear Theory,” C.O. Charles, (Closure) Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 99, No. HY11, Nov. 1973, pp. 21 29.
“Pressure Surge Propagation in Thick Walled Conduits of Rectangular Cross Section,” A.R.D. Thorley, Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME, Vol. 98, No. 3, Sept. 1976, pp. 459.
“Slurry Flow in Pipe Networks,” (Closure), Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. HY6, June 1981, pp. 790.
“Linear Theory Methods for Pipe Network Analysis,” Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, HY3, March 1981, pp. 384 385.
Civil Engineering Career Achievement Award from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, 2012
Selected as AAWRE Honorary Diplomat, Water Resources Engineer, 2011
Coauthor of AWWA Engineering Division 2007 Best Paper – AWWA Journal – “The Need for Comprehensive Transient Analysis of Distribution Systems”
MWHSoft Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, Denver CO. 2005
Kentucky Water Resources Research Inst. Barfield Award for Outstanding Contributions, 2005
2004 Simon Freese Environmental Engineering Award and Lectureship, ASCE
National Science Fellow (Open Competition 1959, 1960, 1961)
NASA, ASEE Fellowship 1964, 1965
Outstanding Teacher Award, C.E. Department, 1970-71
Great Teacher Award, U.K. Alumni Association, 1970-71
Outstanding Teacher Award, C.E. Department, 1974, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987
Huber Award for Research, ASCE 1975
Western Electric Fund Award Outstanding Engineering Teacher in Southeastern USA 1975-76
R. E. Shaver Teaching Award, 1984, 1986, 1987
Outstanding Professor, College of Engineering, 1984-85 (Tau Beta Pi)
Lutes Award for Undergraduate Teaching, College of Engineering, 1988
Certificate of Commodation, National Association of Water Resources Institute Directors, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 1989.
1Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 101, No. 6 (June 2009), by permission. Copyright ©2009, American Water Works Association
2Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 101, No. 4 (April 2009)
by permission. Copyright ©2009, American Water Works Association
3Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 101, No. 2 (February 2009) by permission. Copyright ©2009, American Water Works Association
4Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 99, No. 12 (December 2007) by permission. Copyright ©2007, American Water Works Association
5Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 99, No. 1 (January 2007) by permission. Copyright ©2007, American Water Works Association
6Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 97, No. 7 (July 2005) by permission. Copyright ©2005, American Water Works Association
7Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 97, No. 5 (May 2005) by permission. Copyright ©2005, American Water Works Association
8Reprinted from Journal AWWA, Vol. 96, No. 7 (July 2004) by permission. Copyright ©2004, American Water Works Association
9Reprinted from Journal AWWA, July 1989 by permission. Copyright ©1989, American Water Works Association