Supplementary Material 1.30

Chapter 1 – Wave Plan Method


Surge Analysis and the Wave Plan Method

Supplementary Material: Example Problems and Solutions

Chapter 1 – Problem 1.30

1.30 What is the theoretical maximum internal diameter of the drive pipe of a hydraulic ram with a maximum available drive pipe flowrate of 10 lps and a desired lift of 20m? The drive pipe is very short and is made of thin-walled mild steel pipe.


Let the celerity c of the thin-walled steel pipe be 1000 m/s

The change in velocity needed to generate a change in pressure head of 20m (desired lift) using the Joukowsky’s equaiton (Eq. 1.22) is (9.81/1000)*20 = 0.1962 m/s.

The drive pipe diameter that would generate a minimum velocity of 0.1962 m/s is SQRT{(10/1000)/0.1962)*(4/3.1415)} = 0.254m or 254 mm.

However, the actual drive pipe diameter should be much smaller than 254 mm to be able to lift considerable fraction of 10 lps flowrate to 20m elevation.

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