Vacuum Breakers and Hydrotanks

Here is my first blog ever. My associates tell me I have to get into the 21st century so here goes.

We are creating lots of new and exciting developments in pipe system modeling.  We keep getting useful suggestions from users and the very close association we have with our users through our technical support activities constantly lead us to new developments and improved modeling capabilities. For example over the last several years we have added the following capabilities.

1) modeling vacuum breakers. Without these devices the flow predictions from your model can be significantly higher than the system can actually deliver. At a vacuum breaker the flow will transition from pressurized full pipe flow to partial pipe flow if the pressure drops below atmospheric pressure. A Pipe2000 profile plot will show where the flow again becomes  pressurized resulting in full pipe flow.

2) We have added a Hydrotank element. This sophisticated element models the thermodynamic effects of the compressed air in a hydrotank. It also incorporates a pump with switching controls. The Hydrotank element works between a low and high pressure setting. When the pump is off the tank supplies the system using the compressed air to provide pressure. As the tank supplies water the pressure drops. When the low pressure setting is reached the pump automatically comes on pressurizing the system to the high setting. The pump then switches off and the cycles starts over. All you need to set up this element is the low and high pressure setting and the water volume stored each cycle.

There are so many useful new and improved features that I plan to write about in future blogs. I am looking forward very much to your input and comments through this new (for me) forum. Happy Modeling!