List Of Changes In Each Version

Some features will not be available in Pipe2008, Pipe2006 or Pipe2000 V2
Version 5.010 (Download) Current Release

  • New Surge Element – Dyanmic Air Valve (Pipe2012)
  • New Surge Element – Electrically Activated Surge Anticipation Valve (Pipe2012)  
  • Bug fix for Undo Command

Version 5.006 (Download) 

  • Better handling of Surge systems > 20,000 pipes


Version 5.005 (Download)

  • Pipe2010 now uses the Clipboard only for Copy functions.
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 5.004 (Download) 

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Critical bug fix for Surge users

Version 5.003 (Download)

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Optimal Pump Scheduling Tool for Pipe2010 users.
  • Enhanced Fittings Table (Pipe2012)
  • Displays water volumes for Open Surge Tanks and One Way Surge Tanks.

Version 5.002 (Download) 

  • P2K files and all associated files are optionally saved in a unique subfolder.
  • All versions of Pipe2010 will now handle up to 65,000 total nodes.

Version 5.001 (Download) 

  • Hydraulically Activated Surge Anticipation Valve for Pipe2010 users 
  • Pipe2010 no longer writes to files in the Program Files folder or any of its subfolders.

Version 5.000 (Download) 

  • Automatic Demand Distribution – distributes total residential demand throughout the model automatically for Pipe2010 users
  • Pipe systems may now be saved and loaded in Excel (XLS) format.
  • Automatic text format backups are kept for all P2K or XLS files saved. 
  • Improved Error Checking
  • Added Hydrant Monitor element for Pipe2010 users.

Version 4.109 (Download)

  • The Pipe Break Function now considers Active Valves in addition to On/Off Valves.
  • Pipe Break Report now includes the volume of the pipe break.
  • Fixed bug in Profiles.
  • Automatic System Generation now allows current pipe types to be specified.
  • Text Labels can be rotated to any angle (Pipe2010)

Version 4.108 (Download)

  • Improved Error Checking
  • Constant Pressure Pumps
  • Constant Flow Pumps
  • Improved AVI animation for profile and map.
  • Pipe emphasis switch between result a and b.
  • Junction Node sizes can be changed independently of other nodes.
  • The color for closed pipes can be set.
  • Closed pipes can be dashed or solid
  • You can copy from pipe tables or node tables (to paste in other applications)
  • You can search in the report. 
  • Reservoirs can be Grade, Pressure, or Depth type.

Version 4.107 (Download) 

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.106 (Download) 

  • Sort Tables preformance improved
  • Added two tools (surge only)
  • Project information under System Data | Preferences for supply plots
  • Profile now labels the x and y axis automatically
  • Profile has an option to change the x axis from ft to miles (or m to km)
  • Fix Show Everything to remove all nodes.  Now Show Junctions and the others are hidden when Show Everything is unchecked
  • Option to edit Data Tables by entering a value, then selecting a range, the clicking a button.  This will not change hidden rows or columns
  • Group Pump ID change now works for LPS tanks

Version 4.104 (Download) 

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.102

  • Improved Professional Features (AutoCAD and GIS import/export)
  • Save and load Contour and Emphasis data
  • Added Contour options (Main Menu)
  • Merge Pipe Schedule feature
  • Laying out node, R or L click a second time (same location) node will not be automatically made into intermediate node if it is in-line.
  • Fixed Mode is now independent (Group Mode and Fixed Mode may be on at the same time)
  • More than 10 lines may be placed in the Simulation Memo (System Data | Other, KYPipe only)
  • Project information under System Data | Preferences for fire sprinkler supply plots (KYPipe, GoFlow)
  • Eliminates the message “Keylok not found”

Version 4.000

  • Pushpin – Ability to attach Notes to the map (All)
  • Pipe2008: SWMM (Storm Water) now available
  • Units help hover buttons. Hover the mouse for units hints (All     Engines)
  • LPS Tanks with pressure switches and inflow demand pattern     (KYPipe and Surge)
  • Hydropnuematic tank – pump and tank combined uses air     pressure to supply pressure to move water out of tank     (KYPipe and Surge)
  • Demand patterns for tank inflows (KYPipe, Surge)
  • Ability to turn CAD layers on/off in backgrounds (All     Engines)
  • Add/remove check valves with group edit. (KYPipe, Surge)
  • Copy/paste pump and tank shape IDs (All)
  • Group edit/select multiple and regular junction     demands/demand types.
  • Improved print backgrounds (All Engines)
  • Calibration wizard (KYPipe)
  • 250 sets of results available for Gas, Steam, and SWMM
  • Pipe2006/2008 New gradients on contours (All)
  • Pipe2006/2008 – Contours may be accessed from main     menu (All Engines)
  • Pipe2006/2008 – For Multiple Demand Types labels, display     demand totals and lists (All Engines)
  • Under Edit | Copy Map to Clipboard
  • Save report as doc file.
  • Edit | Copy can now copy/paste part of the report.
  • Significantly reduced file size.
  • NFPA color coding – Emphasizes the hydrants.
  • EPANET export without having to run Quality analysis.

Version 3.011

  • Improved AutoFill for node contours
  • Volume calculation in the inventory/cost analysis

Version 3.006

  • Up to 499 pumps or loss elements for KYPipe
  • Show Backgrounds – under ‘View’ in main menu, toggles     background maps on and off
  • Show Everything – under ‘View’ in main menu, toggles all of     the ‘Show..’ options.
  • Help Screens – available on map for Tanks and SDOs
  • Saved Views – under View, can save and load up to 7     different map views.
  • Inventory/Cost – for group selected pipes and nodes.
  • View Previous Results for Surge
  • For pump output, ‘o-‘ and ‘i-‘ prefixes appear differentiate     between inlet and outlet side.
  • Minimize During Surge Analysis
  • A new routine allows user to add check valves upon opening     file for first time in updated version
  • Up to 500 sets of EPS results (available in 3.000)
  • Up to 6000 sets of Surge results (available in 3.000)
  • Pipe2006 P2K files are smaller (save without results)
  • Pipe2006 runs an analysis from about 5% to 300% faster     than V2 (available in 3.000).
  • Pipe2006 displays results graphs, labels and contours faster     than V2 (available in 3.000)

Version 3.000

  • Superheat will be a new Pipe2000: Steam option
  • Remote analysis for sprinklers in KYPipe
  • Required capacity for sprinklers in KYPipe
  • Sprinkler summary and supply plot in KYPipe
  • Animate map over time
  • Profile animate can be made into an AVI (movie) file
  • Locate Pressure zone, includes emphasis options
  • Find and purge parallel pipes
  • Calculate (equivalent) Branch Diameters (Rural)
  • Emphasize pumps – off, on, or stalled
  • Pump Select Tool – match data with existing pumps
  • Undo/redo for 3 levels of map changes
  • ‘Sprinkler 2’ features for KYPipe (Outside hose, etc.)
  • Turbines and Wicket Gates for Surge
  • Sprinkler report option for KYPipe
  • Screen Capture of map
  • North arrow symbol on map
  • Report Printing options expanded
  • Logos in map legend, and on reports
  • ESFR remote sprinkler area analysis for KYPipe and GoFlow
  • KYPipe analysis for GoFlow, including changes

Version 2.110

  • Volume calculation in the inventory/cost analysis had been added

Version 2.109

  • Pumps have optional internal check valves
  • ‘Fixed2’ mode (click on the Fixed button twice). In Fixed2      mode pipe and nodes can be added to the system but node      locations cannot be changed
  • Group Select/Group Change/Labels for Pump ID
  • Group Select/Labels for Static Head: this is based on a      reference value defined in System Data/Preferences

Version 2.107

  • On Results graph, under Setup, ability to change graph colors
  • Ability to define the curve created for rated pumps
  • Under System Data | Preferences, an alternate pan method     had been added
  • Additional sprinkler data available for fire sprinkler systems in     KYPipe (System Data | Preferences | Sprinkler 2)
  • Under Edit in the main menu, option to select all pipes or     select all nodes.

Version 2.106

  • Hide and unhide labels with single keystroke
  • Additional Map Legend options
  • Contours, Pipe and Node Emphasis now have 12 values     instead of 5
  • Additional Pipe Profile options

Version 2.105

  • Improved Error Checking
  • Improved Profile features
  • Print with Current Printer Settings
  • Active Valve improvements
  • Saving Pipeline Profiles
  • Option to set default sprinkler data in the Simulation Specs     screen
  • Tools-Air Slam Pressure Surge-Modulating (Regulating) Valve-    Profile Import-Residual Pressure Adjustment

Version 2.104

  • Print to Scale
  • Faster on networks

Version 2.100

  • Report flows as positive regardless of flow direction
  • Use fireflow with minimum pressure, or a hydrant with or     without a hose to calculate fire flows at hydrants or junctions
  • Pump Curves set axes, print/save to BMP or clipboard
  • Efficiency and speed improvements in printing
  • Print Preview
  • Legend, title, distance scale and frame options for the map
  • Temperature Dependant Liquid Analysis (Pipe2000 : KYPipe     Professional Version)
  • Profile animation, axis labeling, save to BMP/print/copy to     clipboard, font size, travel time, and legend, and more
  • Compare previous and current results in graphs and tables
  • Active valve resistance as Cv (valve coefficient) or R
  • Select one of last 5 previously-opened files to open
  • Save without results
  • Delete unneccessary files
  • Tools – Bladder Pre-Charge (Surge- Hose and Nozzle     Constants
  • Improved Background file display capabilities

Version 2.010

  • Copy and Paste Pipes and Nodes
  • User-defined Library elements (loss elements, BFPs, etc.)
  • Edit/Delete Intermediate Nodes
  • Label Size, Position and Color
  • Option to show or not show text in AutoCAD background
  • Report Font is Saved
  • Tools – Spike Track (Surge)

Version 2.000

  • Water Quality Calibration (Pro version only)
  • Skeletonization (Pro version only)
  • Flushing
  • Pipe Labels with Angled Text
  • Sort Numerically
  • Vacuum Breaker
  • Pump Curves – multiple curves, efficiency, speed plotting
  • Conversion Utilities: EPANET, WaterCAD, Surge5.
  • Upgradable Hardware Lock
  • Operational Control Settings
  • Additional Units
  • Print Map Screen to BMP File
  • Capture Results Graphs to BMP
  • Tools – Select Pump File