Supplementary Material 1.15

Chapter 1 – Wave Plan Method


Surge Analysis and the Wave Plan Method

Supplementary Material: Example Problems and Solutions

Chapter 1 – Problem 1.15

1.15 Resistance to flow in a pipeline is defined as K = ΔH/Q2 where ΔH is the frictional headloss and Q is the flowrate, both in standard units. Compute K values for the following pipelines and flow conditions.

a. A pipeline with a length of 100m, an internal diameter of 500 mm, and a Hazen-William roughness coefficient of 130 transporting water at a velocity of 1 m/s.
b. A pipeline with a length of 200m, an internal diameter of 500 mm, and a Darcy-Weisbach friction factor of f = 0.02 transporting jet fuel at a velocity of 1 m/s [Answer: 4]
c. A 200 m long PVC pipe with a total frictional headloss of 1.54m at a flowrate of 0.3 m3/s.

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